
    Employee Engagement Statistics You Should Know For 2024

    Employee engagement is no longer a buzzword; it’s a business imperative. Engaged employees are more productive, innovative, and loyal, leading to higher profits and lower turnover. To effectively address employee engagement, it’s crucial to understand the current landscape. Let’s dive into some key statistics that paint a picture of employee engagement in 2024.

    The State of Employee Engagement

    Quiet Quitting is Prevalent: A staggering 59% of employees are “quiet quitting,” meaning they are doing the bare minimum. This indicates a significant engagement problem. (Source)

    Engagement Varies by Region: South Asia boasts the highest employee engagement levels (33%), while the United States and Canada follow closely behind at 31%. (Source)

    The Cost of Disengagement is High: Low employee engagement costs companies a staggering $450-500 billion annually in lost productivity. (Source)

    Engagement Drives Profitability: Companies with highly engaged workforces are a remarkable 21% more profitable. (Source)

    Culture is Key: Good company culture can increase revenue by a whopping 4 times. (Source)

    Recognition Matters: A surprising 37% of employees consider recognition the most important factor in their job satisfaction. (Source)

    The Impact of Disengagement

    High Turnover: 73% of employees are considering leaving their jobs, highlighting the impact of disengagement on retention.

    Boredom is a Major Culprit: One in three professionals cite boredom as their primary reason for leaving their jobs.

    Negative Customer Impact: 92% of executives agree that high engagement leads to happier customers.

    These statistics underscore the urgent need for organizations to prioritize employee engagement. While the challenges are significant, the rewards are even greater. One effective strategy to boost engagement is through comprehensive wellness programs.

    Wellness Programs: A Catalyst for Engagement

    Wellness programs go beyond physical health; they address the holistic well-being of employees. By offering programs that focus on physical, mental, and financial health, organizations can create a supportive environment that fosters engagement.

    Improved Physical Health: Physical wellness programs, such as fitness challenges and health screenings, can reduce absenteeism, increase energy levels, and enhance overall job satisfaction.

    Enhanced Mental Well-being: Programs that promote mental health, like stress management workshops and mindfulness sessions, can reduce burnout, improve focus, and create a positive work environment.

    Financial Well-being: Financial wellness programs, including budgeting workshops and retirement planning advice, can reduce financial stress, increase job satisfaction, and build trust in the employer.

    By investing in wellness programs, organizations can create a culture of care, where employees feel valued and supported. This, in turn, leads to increased engagement, productivity, and loyalty.


    The statistics are clear: employee engagement is a critical factor in business success. By understanding the current state of engagement and implementing strategies like wellness programs, organizations can create a thriving workplace where employees feel valued, motivated, and committed.

    Contact StepSetGo today to learn how their wellness solutions can help you boost employee engagement and drive business growth.

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