A year and a half ago when we started StepSetGo, we embarked upon the journey of making a difference in our users’ lives. We had a clear vision of making fitness accessible, motivational, and aimed to make India healthier in the process. After looking into the fitness tracking app industry in India, we couldn’t find an app that inspired users to do more or push their limits.
The whole crux of SSG’s existence lies in the idea of providing motivation to become fitter when there is none left. One more thing that we noticed was it was even more difficult to start a fitness routine. We set out to become a gateway into the world of good health and wellbeing, by tracking the most basic form of exercise — Walking, thus making a fitness routine more accessible.
The motivation bit was achieved by adding tangible rewards to the fitness journey. Rewards that users can win by just walking. This also gamified the journey, as the user was supposed to walk a bit more daily and reach their limits in order to collect the SSG Coins which could be redeemed to avail the rewards. This lead to habit formation and soon enough, our users were hooked to fitness. We added more social and competitive elements to the app which captured the interests of our users as now they could compete with their friends and family in weekly fitness challenges. Earning the daily limit of SSG Coins soon became a dinner table discussion.
Our flagship reward for getting fitter was a brand new iPhone XR, which was set at a value of 14,999 SSG Coins. Our users would have to be determined, motivated, and persistent for more than a year as one could earn up to 35 SSG Coins daily by walking. After more than 450 days of walking daily, we had the first set of iPhone XR redeemers. These users had not only made fitness a part of their lives but also had experiences to share that we at SSG never imagined was possible to achieve as just a fitness platform.
One of the redeemers, Akshat Satija, didn’t just walk alone. He invited his friends, family members, and colleagues to join the app. He could now walk or compete with his friends without being physically present around them. All of which was made possible by social and community-driven aspects of our app. He mentioned that the most important thing that he achieved was that he got his father to start walking to get fitter, because of SSG.
Aaditya Rawlani, our next redeemer said that he uses SSG not just for fitness, but used the app more than any other social media app which includes Instagram, Snapchat, and Whatsapp!
The most heartwarming story came from Uma Shankar Renganathan, who mentioned that SSG made him find a new identity and the fitness led motivation helped him cope up with stress and even depression.

Stories like these motivate us to keep pushing our limits and inspire us to do more. A resounding review that we received from almost everyone was how SSG transformed their physical fitness levels. Surendra Rawat, another redeemer lost around 10 Kg because of SSG. In fact, apart from these iPhone redeemers, one of our users — Vivek Singh who is an IPS officer has lost more than 34 kg in a span of 8 months by just walking. For many, the most fascinating thing was that they could not really take a pause from walking every day as it had become a habit, while some found it even difficult to sleep if they hadn’t reached their daily limit of earning SSG Coins. While the products and offers surely got everyone motivated, we believe that the real reward that we provide to our users is indeed fitness and a change in their lifestyles.
All of these stories and experiences that we receive from our users just make it clear, that we are walking on the right path. A path that will lead us to achieve not just our aim and vision but will also help us make a deep impact on the lives of our users.