
    Bust Health and Fitness Myths – Part 2

    The journey of staying healthy and fit is a lifelong commitment – there are no shortcuts and quick fixes! With so many health and fitness myths on the internet, it is easy to make mistakes while looking for instant results. But how can you bust health and fitness myths and separate fact from fiction?

    Let us take a look at three popular health and fitness myths that you need to stop believing –

    Weight training will make women look bulky and manly

    This one is for all our ladies out there. How many of you have heard this before?

    Almost all of you at one point or another, we’re sure. One of the biggest fitness myths about weight training is that women should stay away from it, it will make them bulk up and look like a man. The only thing that will happen when women start lifting weights is, they will start losing fat and gaining a more lean, toned look.

    Building muscle is a slow process that requires a lot of discipline, commitment and a very carefully thought out exercise and nutrition plan. Also, in general, women simply do not produce as much testosterone (male sex hormone) as men. Testosterone plays a critical role in gaining muscle and bulking up. So go on, lift your weights. We promise you won’t turn into The Hulk overnight!

    Cardio prevents your muscles from growing

    A popular fitness myth doing the rounds is that cardio will prevent your muscles from growing.

    Your body needs the right fuel, exercise, rest and recovery to build muscle. The only way cardio can hinder your muscle-building process is when you do too much of it. Excessive cardio will put you in a much higher calorie deficit (if you are eating right). It will also reduce your rest and recovery time, both of which can affect muscle growth. However, your weekly 5KM run or walking 10,000 steps a day (that you can track using StepSetGo) will not undo all your gains.

    Your knees should not cross your toes when squatting

    This is one fitness myth that is as old as time! So, is it really okay for your knees to go beyond your toes when squatting? Yes!

    Most beginners have a fear of damaging their knee joints and increasing the risk of injury by performing a deep squat. This can be true if you do not have the mobility yet to perform a deep squat. Research indicates that allowing your knees to go past your toes when squatting is not harmful, as long as you have the mobility and flexibility to do it correctly.

    What other health and fitness myths have you heard? Let us know in the comments!

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